Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Bonner Blog Question 2

After your first full day in Trenton, describe your thoughts on the city and how you hope to make an impact.

Matthew Kadish
For the most part, my thoughts on the area of East Trenton haven’t changed dramatically from yesterday. However, I did see more people outside, and I saw three young children playing in a grassy area—which was a nice sight to see, and negated some of the “solemnness” that I wrote about yesterday.
With Trenton as a whole, I feel like the city has an interesting history that I would like to delve into. And this feeling isn’t based solely on the fact that Trenton is the capital of New Jersey. I heard that Trenton was once the capital of the entire country—albeit for a short period of time—and that the city has changed and transitioned quite a bit. I also know that Trenton has quite a bit of de facto segregation based on race, which is something for the city to work on.
Impact an entire city obviously feels like an overwhelming undertaking. But I think I can start to make a positive impact by engaging in little and constructive acts that help or at least aid Trenton’s citizens. Any city, after all, is made from citizens—ordinary people. I think that helping ordinary citizens, getting to know them, and spreading the word about good causes are good first steps.   
Mary Ruiz
Trenton looks, at times, more horrible than it really is. The people are not bad or harmful at all. I hope to have a lasting impact on the homeowners. We are currently in the process of painting the entire downstairs part of the house. I hope to leave their house at the end of the week knowing that they will be truly grateful for what we did for them.
Jared DeMeo
I thought Trenton was a very run down city with much potential. It is definitely a poor neighborhood and i am surprised that we let the capital of New Jersey get to be so bad. I hope to have a positive impact on this community and help slowly rebuild it. I hope the city can return to its former greatness that it was at before it became to decline.

Melissa Moore

I think that Trenton was probably a really cool place at one point. You can see that some of the architecture of different buildings was one probably very beautiful and cool, but today it is just run down. It's sad to see this because the people probably do not have enough money to get them restored. It would be nice to see these places in all their glory. I hope to impact the community by helping to restore the high school to it's glory. The little things that we are doing will hopefully contribute to the success of the school as a whole by making it a more welcoming place to learn in. I hope to make it so that the students will appreciate their school and perhaps enjoy their time there more than they do now. In the long run, if this works, the students will hopefully be more inclined to work towards achieving a good education. Then, they can give back to their community as well. I am happy knowing that the things we are doing in their school could contribute to the success of Trenton as a city one day.

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