Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Bonner Blog Question 1

Describe what you think of the camp so far and what you’re looking forward to?
Arielle Fouks
I enjoyed my first day of the Bonner program, the early morning rising will take some getting used to.... I was surprised by how much I enjoyed helping others (in the habitat for humanity program) and how much I had in common with others within the program. I was surprised out how group oriented the program was, I though we would be given more free range, a more college like experience. I am looking forward to completing the habitat for humanity program, and I hope to gain insight as to how a college level class will be conducted and how demanding it will. Most of all I want to have fun and make new friends!
Thomas Lukens
The first day was one interesting experience.  I was really nervous arriving to this place, with no parents to hold my hand aside from driving me there.  It was fun playing games while at the same time we got to know each other.  Painting someone's house takes a lot longer than I thought!  It will be awesome seeing what the house looks like after it's new paint job is complete.  I would also like to see what this community service project is and what we will be watching during movie nights.  Finally, I would like to see how I'm going to keep up with my running schedule and running around the school campus when I get someone to run with me.

Eric Talbot
At first the program seemed intimidating; however, the staff really tore down the awkward barriers between us. So far the program has been eye opening. We started our community service, and I have already experienced new things. I am looking forward to work with the others to make a difference in the community and within ourselves.

Akash Aggarwal

The Bonner pre college program has been so far a good all around experience. The staff is funny and lively. They make even the boring activities entertaining. The schedule isn't too hard or overwhelming and I think its a good balence of work and entertainment. The scavenger hunt was probably the most fun we've had yet, because we got to meet new people and learn about the campus while doing crazy activites no one would have ever thought of. What I'm looking forward to in the next two weeks is the gain some college experience and see the hard work pay off in the end. Also I want to help people in the community by doing various activities and I think this program does that well.

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